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Stuff you'll find on this page:

[ vim ]

Here is the current version of my .vimrc file, with lots of Good Stuff in it. Feel free to browse and steal whatever you like :)

[ moon buggy ]

More than just a skin: here is a patched copy of Moon buggy that has a huge bus instead of the buggy. Surprisingly, it's still playable! :)

[ sokoban ]

A set of my autogenerated levels.
Some of them are actually quite tricky. The file format is the standard sokoban text format. It's human-readable and some implementations (e.g., ksokoban) can load it directly.

And here is a simple solver that reads a sokoban level and produces the shortest solution. The solver simply looks for the shortest path in the state space. Of course, Sokoban is PSPACE-complete so if you try the solver for large levels, expect it to eat all your memory and run for a very long time :)

The inspiration for all of this were Yoshio's autogenerated levels.

[ polyglots ]

Below is a list of my programs that have a common feature: each of them "makes sense" in multiple distinct languages.

[ stuff ]