
this is my personal homepage - you can find my CV here.


Place: Bratislava, Slovakia
E-mail: tino@ksp.sk
Instant message: tino@ksp.sk (subject: SMS, keep the message under 140 characters)
Curriculum Vitae

I'm born in Bratislava on 31st of March 1978. I studied on one of the foremost mathematics high-school in Slovakia (Gymnázium Grösslingova, BA). During my high-school study I took part in many competitions in matematics, physics and informatics. My placements were among the top on the state level.

I have graduated (2001) at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Comenius University, Bratislava (MFF UK) where I had been studying informatics. My specializations were: mathematical methods in informatics (codes, communication, cryptology, kombinatorics) and computer graphics (2D graphics, 3D graphics, image processing, CAD). I was programing for the commercial sector for almost 3 years - GIS, database systems. I'm familiar with the following elements of computer science: C++, Pascal, SQL, HTML, PHP, 3D-modeling applications. I'm currently studying in Canada at the McGill University, Montreal.

Language abilities: my home language is the Slovak language, which is similar to Czech language which I understand perfectly. I speak fluently Englisch and German.

I have a driving licence.