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AI2MF v1.5: AdobeIllustrator to METAFONT converter

If you want to include any graphics into TeX, a good way of doing so is to draw a picture in METAFONT, so it seems like a single character (there are some resolution limitations, but you still can have 17cm picture at 600dpi). As long it is not so straightforward to draw anything more complex in METAFONT directly, what about creating it in any vector editor and export it to METAFONT?

You're right, it's not bad...

This converter was created just for this task. Given an AdobeIllustrator file (AI, version 4.x prefered (not tested on anything else)), the output is a METAFONT file with one, or, if specified on command line, more characters, together forming the original picture.



Known bugs:


Vlado Koutny, (vlado at tex dot ksp dot sk)